TWD/ Hungarian Shortbread


Let’s be clear… Shortbread and I do NOT have a good history together. The last shortbread recipe I tried somehow went so off kilter my husband walked in with a piece of cheese inbetween two cookies and exclaimed what wonderful saltine crackers I had made…yea…So when I saw TWD picked the shortbread I was concerned. Of course it had to be Hungarian shortbread….wonderful…now Great Grandma Beres, Great Aunt Julia and Great Aunt Elizabeth can shake their Hungarian rolling pins in heaven whilst I somehow manage screw up a dessert with only 6 ingredients.
The recipe calls for rhubarb which I could not find in Florida, Georgia, or South Carolina. I subbed in a marmalade made from oranges, lemons, and grapefruits. I made my dough, froze it, and spent what seemed like forever grating my knuckles it into the pan…. Hello why did I not think of my food processor….( also note to self…..that dollar store box grater you bought when you bought your first apartment? Please consider buying a new one….thanks!) The recipe also calls for a 9×12 pan…… That one I can handle! Yay. I followed the directions grating half the dough spreading the marmalade, and then grating the other half on top and then I slid it into the oven….As I set the timer and walked away… little Alton Brown in an angel suit appeared upon my shoulder and remarked..wouldn’t it have made sense to pre bake the bottom layer?…I think he needs to work on his timing since I haven’t found anyone to dress up in the devil suit yet lol….. The timer went off 40 min later and upon opening the door I was almost overcome by the smell of pure butter….(.oh Paula Deen I knew I should have baked these before I met you yesterday….I would have suggested them to you…) I had no way of telling what the bottom looked like but the top could have been a little bit more on the golden side so I popped it in another 5 min….I waited daydreaming ..had I known I was going to attempt this recipe I could have asked Gale Gand for her suggestions when I met her last October. I tried to YouTube the episode of Gale and Julia making these but had no luck …sad….my additional five minutes were up and my shortbread looked much nicer so I pulled it out and let it cool…except ….I couldn’t let it cool… It smelled divine!….buttery..sugary…..citrusy….warm…….I waited 15 minutes and cut a corner piece….the bottom was done! Now this is not your crunchy style shortbread it’s more like cake shortbread but it tastes
heaven sent….(plus it looked just like the picture!)..Oooooh it is wonderful!.Apparently cake like shortbread I can make…I think this needs to go in the keep envelope!

Today’s recipe is being hosted by 1 small kitchen. Pop on over and get both the shortbread and the rhubarb jam recipe!
Dream. Bake. Believe!
Love, Steffie

7 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Rebecca
    May 01, 2012 @ 13:17:55

    Wow, those look perfect. Definitely helps to have a sturdy grater (I didn’t think of the processor until it was too late myself).


  2. vintagekitchennotes
    May 01, 2012 @ 13:21:48

    LOL! Hilarious post and your shortbread looks perfect!


  3. cindy
    May 01, 2012 @ 18:10:50

    Yes, I agree it goes in the ‘keep’ envelope! Thanks for your fun post I keep laughing at Alton Brown in an angel suit. I have book club next week–great excust to make it again.


  4. jane
    May 01, 2012 @ 20:59:42

    Glad you gave it a try and were successful, it looks great!!


  5. Cathleen
    May 04, 2012 @ 22:56:31

    Your marmalade sounds yummy!


  6. Cher
    May 05, 2012 @ 10:21:04

    Whew – glad to hear it all worked out and that no ancestors had to shake their rolling pins at you.
    Great job & thanks for baking along this week…


  7. Teresa
    May 14, 2012 @ 05:59:28

    Glad it turned out well for you. This is a keeper for our family, too.


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